三月 28, 2022

A multi-generational family

//vol.14-1 Perspectives   Lily My mother-in-law asked us to move in when her husband died. It w […]
三月 28, 2022

Relatives, respect and responsibility

//vol.14-1 Perspectives   Reflections on getting old An essay by Jenny Liu Personally, although […]
三月 28, 2022

Future planning, future fears

//vol.14-1 Youth speak   BELLA is in her late 30s. She is single and has a demanding job. Her p […]
三月 28, 2022

Demographic dividend and dependency

//vol.14-1 Interviews   How does ageing and the dependency ratio in Hong Kong and mainland Chin […]
三月 28, 2022

Population pain points

//vol.14-1 Interviews The speed of population ageing in Hong Kong depends on several factors, says P […]
三月 28, 2022

Intergenerational connectedness

//vol.14-1 Overview No one disputes the rather stark figures we are confronted with. In 2021, the nu […]
二月 21, 2022

070期 好鄰里

疫情肆虐近兩年,「隔離」兩字成為熱門字眼。 口罩下的生活,的確隔絕了不少人與人之間的交流,忽略了每個社區角落之中,各有需要的社群。   「鄰舍」不局限於人,更加包含周遭環境與動物。不把自己隔 […]
二月 21, 2022


//【070期 慢行 · 空間】   分域碼頭在十九世紀末原是私人碼頭,到五十年代發展成海軍碼頭,高峰時期一度招待過五千名來自英、美等地的海軍人員。隨著訪港軍艦和水兵的人數逐漸減少,碼頭轉型 […]
二月 18, 2022

由「收塑」開始 再造綠色空間

//【070期 在地 · 空間】     拿起塑膠樽喝飲料的當刻,有沒有想過它往後的去向?或許你會隨手把空樽丟進垃圾桶……但原來,它們也可以被「重塑」⸺透過一連串加工,成為再造用品 […]