Standing Committee on Language Education and Research
Biliteracy and Trilingualism Campaign

Write Up! Flash Story Competition

香港青年協會獲語文教育及研究常務委員會 (語常會) 邀請舉辦「出口成章」微型故事創作比賽,響應其於2023年12月展開的「兩文三語運動」。香港青年協會一直致力鼓勵青年發揮創新精神,同時多作閱讀及創作。比賽採用新穎的故事體裁——微型故事,旨在向青年推廣不同的創作形式,在創作中提升閱讀、寫作興趣,及對兩文三語的學習興趣,推動正面價值觀。

To echo the Biliteracy and Trilingualism Campaign launched by the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) in December 2023, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) was invited to organise “The Write Up! Flash Story Competition”. HKFYG encourages young people to unlock their innovative potential through reading and creative writing. The competition introduces a unique storytelling format—micro-stories—to promote diverse creative expressions among youth. Its goals include fostering an interest in reading and writing, cultivating enthusiasm for learning both Chinese and English, and promoting positive values.

得獎名單 │ Winner List



