Envisage the Youth Development Blueprint: Survey Summary and Advocacy

//vol.14-4 on the agenda

The Home & Youth Affairs Bureau will publish the first edition of the Youth Development Blueprint by 2022 year-end to outline the principles, objectives and actions of the Government in pursuing youth development. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups』 (HKFYG) Youth Research Centre surveyed 630 respondents aged 15 to 35 years old in October 2022 on their views. YHK shares the following findings.


  • 630 respondents aged 15-35 years old were recently interviewed about their views about future development by HKFYG’s Youth Research Centre, in tandem with the Youth Development Blueprint to be released by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB).
  • Apart from HYAB’s seven policy aspects, we suggest that equal opportunities and sustainable development are crucial areas to be included in the blueprint.
  • Diversifying Hong Kong’s economy is essential to youth development, such as providing more support to the newly emerged industries like the creative craftsmanship industry or sports industry. For talent development, response to the trend of “slashie” culture should take priority.
  • Our survey reaffirms that the housing problem is of utmost concern to young people. Our suggestions include increasing the supply of youth hostels and setting up Cash Allowance Trial Scheme for young people to rent a flat.
  • Engaging more youth to participate in the mainland, and international internships and exchange programmes be the continuous work of the HKSAR Government.

  • 民政及青年事務局(HYAB)將於今年內公布首份《青年發展藍圖》。青協青年研究中心以問卷調查 630名 15 至 35 歲的青年,以了解他們對《藍圖》及未來發展的看法。
  • 除了局方提出的七大範疇,我們建議《藍圖》應同時涵蓋「平等機會」及「可持續發展」,以更全面反映香港青年未來發展的重要元素。
  • 香港推動經濟多元化對青年發展至關重要,例如為創意工藝或體育產業等新興行業提供更多支持。為了培養更多人才,社會應接納及正面回應近年甚受年輕一代歡迎的「斜槓族」文化。
  • 我們的調查再次發現,年輕人最關心住屋問題;建議增加青年宿舍的供應、設立青年租屋現金津貼試行計劃等,以助他們盡快「上樓」,享有自己的安樂窩。
  • 另外,政府應持續吸引更多青年參與內地及海外實習交流計劃,深入認識各地文化,建構國民及世界公民身分。


Based on the seven policy aspects proposed by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB), most of our respondents list the top two priorities as:

  • Improve employment and entrepreneurship opportunities by promoting upward mobility of young people (59.5%)
  • Respond to the home-buying opportunities and housing needs of young people (58.3%).
  • The average satisfaction score for Hong Kong’s current situation for young people is 4.32 (on a 0-10 scale), which is below average.


Most youth think Hong Kong lacks opportunities for career development and upward mobility.

  • 61.6% agreed that the opportunities for upward mobility are not enough
    Only 11.9% felt Hong Kong has enough opportunities for career development
    Only 12.9% said they are satisfied with their opportunities in Hong Kong


The top three issues that youth consider the most important are:

  • Housing needs (53.3%)
  • Income (49.5%)
  • Emotional/mental health (30.8%)


Regarding the importance of different youth policies, more than 40% of the respondents consider the following as very important:

  • Promoting youth mental health (46.3%)
  • retaining talent (44.0%)
  • improving the housing conditions of young people (43.5%)


The top three values that youth consider important are:

  • Empathy 42.9%
  • Respect 45.7%
  • Responsibility 48.7%


Our Advocacy

1. Don’t miss equal opportunities and sustainable development

Apart from the HYAB’s seven policy foci, we suggest that equal opportunities and sustainable development are crucial areas to be included in the Blueprint. Since vulnerable groups should receive more attention and resources, ensuring young people from different ethnic and social backgrounds receive equal treatment in developing themselves should be the government’s mission. The needs of SEN youth, ethnic minority youth and youth-at-risk should be addressed. For sustainable development, we refer to the 17 SDGs of the United Nations. We assert that youth development and sustainable development are mutually supportive of each other. The government should formulate an action plan to strengthen the role of youth in advancing the sustainable development of Hong Kong by promoting sustainability education, fostering youth-led climate actions and engaging youth to participate in urban planning.


2. Foster diversified industry and talent development

Over the past years, Hong Kong has relied on the development of the four pillar industries, namely: financial services; trading and logistics; tourism, and producer and professional services. Diversifying Hong Kong’s economy is essential to youth development. The government should provide more support to the newly emerged industries such ascreative craftsmanship or sports industries. For talent development, the trend of “slashie” culture should take priority. The government should improve the qualifications framework so that flexi-work experience can be accumulated and recognized.


3. Address the housing needs

Our survey reaffirms that the housing issue is of utmost concern among Hong Kong youth. The HKSARG needs to show their determination in creating housing ladder for young people by providing more affordable housing options. Our suggestions include, increasing the supply of youth hostels, and setting up Cash Allowance Trial Scheme to rent a flat.


4. Broaden Young People’s Horizons

In order to let Hong Kong youth acquire a better understanding of the development of our country and the world, and develop a proper and holistic outlook, engaging more youth to participate in Mainland and international internship and exchange programmes should be the continuous work of the government. This will help strengthen the competitiveness of young people in Hong Kong. 


For enquiries, pls contact Miss Chan Shui Ching / Unit-In-Charge at 3755 7040